Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Poems

Things About Dance

I. I'm the dancer
Moving to the beat
I love the sound of music
Coming through my feet

II. I cannot dance
I do not know why
I have two left feet
But I always try

III. I am the reflection
Mirroring every move
I can't mess up
Because I'm not a fool

IV. I am the speakers
Banging to th bass
Turn me upas loud as you want
So I can blow the roof off this place

V. I am the song
Let my voice flow
Dance to my music
Just don't break a toe

VI. I am the floor boards
Stop stomping on me
You ca hear me squeak
When you dance on me

VII. I am the dance instructor
I teach the art of dance
I hope no one's watching'cuz
I just peed in my pants

VIII. I am the student
I just love to dance
Did you just see that
He just peed in his pants

IX. I am the railing
They have a gentle touch
I wish that I can dance
But I can't move that much

X. I am the professional
I do this to get paid
It gets so hot & heavy

I wish I could get laid

Fear and Death

Death is like a tornado, destruction follows

Like your heart has been ripped out and your chest all hollow

Fear is like a shadow that's cold and dark

Like a dog's bite worse than its bark
These are the worst feelings you can ever have
This ain't a laughing matter so please don't laugh
The biggest fear in the world is fear itself
Fear is so big there's people killing themselves
Death is the worst so unexpecting
Most deaths happen from dictating
There are questions about fear and death like who? what? or why?
Did Tupac do anything to die?
Or Rosa Parks who did not wnat to sit in the back of the bus
Did they have to arrest her for making such a fuss?
Blacks fear whites and whites fear blacks
If we stand together there ain't nothing holding us back