Thursday, December 20, 2007

Assignment 12: Toward the Future/From the Past

My advice about the world to a 5-year-old would be that the world is a tough place to be in. You have to work hard in school, deal with the crap that goes on in school, and deal with money problems that goes on in the house. I'll also tell them to say no to drugs. I'll tell them to stay out of trouble. All of this is based out on my life. I had to figure out all this by myself.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Assignment 11: Impact on the World

If I could change anything around the world, I would change how poachers treat animals. I would have poachers instinct. I would feed the hungry in Africa. I would end all wars. How you say? I'll tell you how. First the animal business. I would find a natrual habitat that the animals would be comfortable with and put a fence around them big enough for the animals to walk around and hunt. Thick enough to keep poachers out. I would presuade the people of America how they can help. I'd send the message by song or book. And the only way to stop all wars is nothing but God's work. Just believe in the fight between Heaven and Hell. The war to end all wars.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Assignment 10

There is this song that has greatly inspired me to go after the girl of my dreams. The song is called "I Wanna Know" by Joe. It is about this guy who wants to make this girl feel better and he basically says that she should leave the man that treats her wrong. But the song is much more than that. It's about going after the girl that you may never have but it is always worth the try. This song has inspired me to go after the girl of my dreams even though I might not get her.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


1. Happiness is a feeling you get when you are successful in everything you do. It's a feeling you get when you are in love.

2. Happiness in my life is kids because it reminded me of when I was little of how I could always get out of trouble. My greatest source of happiness is my niece because when she was born all I could really think of was that how could she be that small. Now that she is gonna be two I be thinking wow she has grown into a beautiful little girl.

3. My niece, Amaya, influences my happiness. I love watching her grow up. When I'm sad or mad I just think of her and I feel happy again.

4. I make my grandmother and my father happy all the time. They love watching me grow up to be a young successful man. Hopefully I will get into college. I would be the first grandchild to go to college.

5. I need love to make my life complete because without love I feel like an empty shell.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Assignment 8:Preview to Photostory

Chico and Selena
Atlanta Falcons
Big Mama

Assignment 7: 1st Quarter Writing Reflection

1. I like to write poetry because writing poetry helps me with the raps that I write and
it also lets me express my self.

2. I think that "Fear and Death" was my strongest piece of poetry because some people could tell that I have had some really tough and depressing times.

3. I know that the only reason I write such depressing type of stuff is because I have had
a hard time in life that others probably haven't ever gone through.

4. I might write some music for instruments and write some songs for rappers and singers.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Assignment 6: Creating Fear

1) I like to be scared because you never really suspect what is going to happen. I just love scary movies they're great.

2) I like being scared and all, but I have 2 phobia's that I ain't too proud of. I have a phobia against blood and I have a phobia against closed spaces. I have a phobia with blood because I was playing with one of my brothers and he got hurt some how. So I got my dad and he said that he can see the bone. I just started yelling real loud because I saw blood just squirting out of him. I am claustrophobic because I got locked in the trunk when I was little.

3) A person who is a madman is someone who goes about talking to him/erself. Someone beats themselves up or someone who flicks somebody off when someone drives by.

4) Someone who goes mad just like that is someone who probably lost a loved one or who has lost a home.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Assignment 5: Final First Lines

1. BOOM! Gunfire. I felt myself. I was bleeding. I grew cold.
Then it went dark and I saw the light. This gots to be Thugz Mansion.
2. BOOM! Gunfire. Is that blood? or am I Imagining things.
It's dark or do I got my eyes closed? Is that God or the nigga that
shot me? What happened anyway? Voice our of nowhere says, " I'll tell
y'all niggas what happened!"
3. Some would say stories start when you are born. Others would say
at a mental hospital. Grown folks would say the Civil Rights Movement.
My story? Heh! My story started in the ghetto, the projects, of
Atlanta, GA.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Poems

Things About Dance

I. I'm the dancer
Moving to the beat
I love the sound of music
Coming through my feet

II. I cannot dance
I do not know why
I have two left feet
But I always try

III. I am the reflection
Mirroring every move
I can't mess up
Because I'm not a fool

IV. I am the speakers
Banging to th bass
Turn me upas loud as you want
So I can blow the roof off this place

V. I am the song
Let my voice flow
Dance to my music
Just don't break a toe

VI. I am the floor boards
Stop stomping on me
You ca hear me squeak
When you dance on me

VII. I am the dance instructor
I teach the art of dance
I hope no one's watching'cuz
I just peed in my pants

VIII. I am the student
I just love to dance
Did you just see that
He just peed in his pants

IX. I am the railing
They have a gentle touch
I wish that I can dance
But I can't move that much

X. I am the professional
I do this to get paid
It gets so hot & heavy

I wish I could get laid

Fear and Death

Death is like a tornado, destruction follows

Like your heart has been ripped out and your chest all hollow

Fear is like a shadow that's cold and dark

Like a dog's bite worse than its bark
These are the worst feelings you can ever have
This ain't a laughing matter so please don't laugh
The biggest fear in the world is fear itself
Fear is so big there's people killing themselves
Death is the worst so unexpecting
Most deaths happen from dictating
There are questions about fear and death like who? what? or why?
Did Tupac do anything to die?
Or Rosa Parks who did not wnat to sit in the back of the bus
Did they have to arrest her for making such a fuss?
Blacks fear whites and whites fear blacks
If we stand together there ain't nothing holding us back