Thursday, October 11, 2007

Assignment 5: Final First Lines

1. BOOM! Gunfire. I felt myself. I was bleeding. I grew cold.
Then it went dark and I saw the light. This gots to be Thugz Mansion.
2. BOOM! Gunfire. Is that blood? or am I Imagining things.
It's dark or do I got my eyes closed? Is that God or the nigga that
shot me? What happened anyway? Voice our of nowhere says, " I'll tell
y'all niggas what happened!"
3. Some would say stories start when you are born. Others would say
at a mental hospital. Grown folks would say the Civil Rights Movement.
My story? Heh! My story started in the ghetto, the projects, of
Atlanta, GA.

1 comment:

hamdi said...

i Liked the way u incorporated action to your openiing line and i loved every much of it because it gave me the knowledge of how the scene looked like.